Interfaith Assistance Ministry
2022 Impact Report
Summary and Thank You
Dear Friends:
As you can see from the enclosed Impact Report, 2022 was the busiest year IAM has faced since our founding in 1984. Demand for our services reached unprecedented levels with more than 70,000 service touches during the year.
In every service category offered by IAM, we saw dramatic increases in requests for assistance with basic needs. As a result, IAM’s necessary expenditures rose dramatically to meet the tidal wave of need caused by the pandemic. We spent more on food purchases and distribution, rent and housing assistance, financial help with utility payments, medical assistance, personal hygiene items and aid with transportation costs.
Fortunately, your incredible generosity and compassion made it possible for IAM to make it through 2022, not just somehow, but triumphantly. Your support enabled us to provide food for hungry people, prevent new homelessness, and help keep families safe, warm, and healthy during this challenging time. Most importantly, with your support, IAM can compassionately help people retain their dignity and sense of self-worth during their times of crisis.
Ultimately, the services IAM provides benefit every resident of Henderson County; not just the neighbors who seek help at our door. We all benefit from a stronger, healthier, more productive and more secure community. Every opportunity we have to assist a neighbor, a family, a hungry child, a senior facing medical debt, or anyone facing a financial crisis is an opportunity to make Henderson County a better place for all of us to live.
The impact of the pandemic continues to create financial challenges for thousands of our neighbors in the months ahead. Please help IAM continue to serve those who are hurting by making an unrestricted financial donation. It will be used where the need is greatest. Thank you for blessing IAM with your continued support!
With gratitude for all you do to support IAM,
Elizabeth Willson Moss
Executive Director, IAM