Meet Our IAM Staff
Elizabeth Moss; Executive Director
Pat Nolan; Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Executive Director
Heather Sweetman; Neighbor Reception
Gayle Siggs; HOP Referral Manager
Shadai Pace; Services Support Associate & Mobile Pantry Coordinator
Diana Spitzer; Executive Assistant
Daniel Rivera; Intake Manager
Amy Cook; Chief Operating Officer
Marjorie Murphy; Receiving Ambassador
E.R. Haire; Director of Services and Operations
Kathy Yaw; Thrift Store Manager & Director of Clothing Assistance
Tim Thorpe; Finance Associate
Belem Solano; Community Outreach Coordinator
Marcia Crabtree; Volunteer Manager
Paola Vaca-Trejo; Thrift Store Assistant Manager
Anthony Acosta-Oviedo; Pantry Manager/Mobile Pantry
Terri Richter; Clothing Coordinator
April Day; HOP Referral Billing Associate
Amanda Elliott HOP Operations Manager
Bill Thomas, Thrift Store Associate
Tiffany Luckadoo; HOP Referral Associate
Russ Layson; HOP Delivery Driver
Vonnie Gamble; Thrift Store Associate
Suzette Garcia; Assistant Intake Manager
Terrick Williams; HOP Stocker/Order Fulfillment
Billy Johnson; HOP Lead Driver
Bethany Duke, Director of Human Resources
Josué Solano, Pantry and Operations Associate
MJ Phillips, HOP Associate
Lorenzo Mireles, HOP Associate
Celeste Maiz, HOP Referral Billing Associate
Joshua Solalinde, HOP Client Advocate
Clark Self; HOP Delivery Driver
Heather Boyd, HOP Driver
Kendall Delp, Pantry Associate