Why Support IAM?
Interfaith Assistance Ministry provides emergency relief to Henderson County residents who are experiencing financial crises. We are not a government welfare agency funded with your tax dollars. Instead, we depend on support from individuals, businesses, civic service organizations, congregations and grants.
IAM is the largest provider of crisis services in Henderson County. We are open 5 days a week to help as many of our neighbors as possible.
We are a local nonprofit that does not answer to a national headquarters. Your entire donation stays in Henderson County.
We are good stewards of funds donated to us. Our overhead expenses are low because we enlist more than 200 volunteers supported by 24 paid staff, of which only 14 are full-time. Last year, our volunteers helped us provide over $1 million in services. Our Volunteers perform the work of 17 people working over 35,000 hours a year.
We are effective. In 2023, IAM helped over 18,000 residents of Henderson County with food, clothing, and financial crisis assistance. See our Impact Report here.
We are efficient. We keep records of our services and coordinate with other crisis and human service agencies and programs, to ensure maximum effectiveness and to prevent duplication of services.
We are reliable and here to stay. Established in 1984, Interfaith has a proven track record of responsible crisis assistance in Henderson County. We have established an endowment fund with the Community Foundation of Henderson County that provides donors an opportunity to make a lasting difference for those in need through donations to the IAM Endowment Fund.
We received Charity Navigator’s highest 4-Star Rating in November 2019 and that rating has been renewed every year since then. You can be confident that your contributions to IAM are supporting our neighbors in Henderson County who are experiencing financial crises.