Who is our Neighbor?

The word “neighbor” generally refers to a person or a group of people who live within your community. But what does it mean to be a neighbor to someone else? To be a “good” neighbor is to show mercy or compassion for one who is in need. Being a neighbor, therefore, is an action that is not necessarily based on location.

IAM served over 18,846 of our Henderson County neighbors in 2023. The scope of the needs in our community is such that we cannot achieve our mission without the assistance of our local faith communities. IAM was created 40 years ago by area churches and the synagogue. That historic and vital collaboration and partnership with our local communities of faith allows us to fulfill our mission to help those in need reach financial stability.

IAM’s community of faith partners is an essential extension of our mission. Working together, we can act on our call to be truly good neighbors by showing compassion for those in our community needing a helping hand.

Knowing our Neighbors

Our neighbors include the working poor, struggling senior citizens, single moms, disabled veterans and many others in overwhelming financial crisis. Our neighbors are facing unprecedented food insecurity as food costs soar. The cost of housing in Henderson County ranks among the most expensive in North Carolina. Prices for gasoline, prescription medicines, and utilities all continue to escalate.

In short, our most vulnerable neighbors are facing financial hardships on many fronts.

IAM serves residents of Henderson County every year to help meet their basic needs including food, clothing, medical, transportation, and financial assistance when a crisis hits. In 2023, one in 11 households in Henderson County reached out to IAM for assistance. In 2024, the need has increased even more due to economic factors beyond their control.

Love Your Neighbor

Love is an action. You can love your neighbor who is seeking help by partnering with IAM in many ways, all of which make a collective impact not only for your neighbor, but for your community.

Below are just a few ways that you can start today to love your neighbor:

• Giving unrestricted donations to IAM help pay for food costs and financial assistance

• Serving as a volunteer at the IAM building or at one of our weekly mobile pantry sites

• Designating IAM as the recipient of your Souper Bowl of Caring annual event

• Holding drives: food, clothing, personal care items

• Scheduling outdoor workdays for youth groups and/or adult groups

• Holding special events such as dinners, luncheons or breakfast or yard sales to benefit IAM

By knowing and loving your neighbors through IAM, you can be at the forefront of helping those who are facing an immediate crisis find the support they need to preserve their health and to ultimately make Henderson County a better place for all of us to live.

For more information about how you can join in the effort today, please contact:

Diana Spitzer
Executive Assistant & Congregation Relations
(828) 697-7029 ext. 203