How Congregations Help
Local congregations support Interfaith with funds and in-kind donations (food, clothing, blankets, school supplies, etc.). They also offer their time and talents for special projects needed to maintain and improve the IAM facility.
Congregations of any size can help by
Giving unrestricted contributions
Recruiting new volunteers
Designating IAM as the recipient of your Souper Bowl of Caring annual event
Holding drives: food, clothing, personal care items
Scheduling outdoor work days for youth groups and/or adult groups
Allowing our executive director, board members or congregational ambassadors to speak about IAM at your church or synagogue
Holding special events such as dinners, luncheons or breakfasts or yard sales to benefit IAM
Supporting Congregations
In-Kind Donations
Agudas Israel
All Saints Anglican
Amazing Grace Ministries
Church of Jesus Christ LDS
Church of the Holy Family
Emmanuel Baptist
Etowah United Methodist
Fannings Chapel
First Baptist
First Congregational
First Presbyterian
First United Methodist
Fletcher Seventh Day Adventist
Grace Lutheran
Hendersonville Presbyterian
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Knights of Columbus
Mills River Presbyterian
Mills River United Methodist
Moores Grove United Methodist
Mount Gilead
Mount Pisgah Lutheran
Mt. Gilead Baptist
Mud Creek Baptist
New Beginnings World Outreach
Peak Life Community
Pinecrest Presbyterian
Providence Baptist
Rapha House
Saint James Episcopal
St. Barnabas Catholic
St. John of the Wilderness
Stanford Chapel AME Zion
Trinity Presbyterian
West Hendersonville Baptist
Zion Hill Baptist
Financial Donations
Agudas Israel Congregation
All Saints Anglican Church
Apple Valley Church of God
Arden Presbyterian Church
Bible Study Group 2001
Blue Ridge Christian Church
Crab Creek Baptist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Episcopal Church of Holy Family
Etowah United Methodist Church
Fanning Chapel UMC - Asheville
Fanning Chapel United Methodist Church
First Baptist Church of Hendersonville
First Church Of Christian Scientists
First Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church, Hendersonville PCUSA
First United Methodist Church
Fletcher United Methodist Church
French Broad Baptist Church
Gethsemane Baptist Church
Grace Community Church
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Foundation, Inc.
Grace Lutheran Church
Hendersonville Church of Christ
Hendersonville Presbyterian Church
Hoopers Creek Baptist Church
Immaculate Conception Church
MCC Sacred Journey
Mills River Presbyterian Church
Moore's Grove United Methodist
Mountain Valley Baptist Church
Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church
Mud Creek Baptist Church
Naples Baptist Church
Pinecrest Presbyterian Church
Providence Baptist Church
Rapha House
Reformation Presbyterian Church
Refuge Baptist Church
St. James Episcopal Church
Star of Bethel Baptist Church
The Episcopal Church of St. John in the Wilderness
Transitions Sunday School FBC
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Unity of the Blue Ridge
Zion Hill Baptist Church